Relationship Customers: How to Win and Keep Them

Understanding the Relationship Customer is essential for developing a suitable business model that makes you money and an amazing brand experience that makes them happy.

Ben Mukoma

1/31/20231 min read

Winning with Relationship Customers

Relationship Customers are not out to marry you or hit on you. Not at all. They just want a connection with the brand, with the people, and/or with the vision. And they will pay a premium for that.

Here are some key items to have in mind:

  • Visual Identity: Design something that feels warm, inviting, and long-lasting. Make guys feel good about their purchase, and remind them that everything you are building is about them.

  • Brand Messaging: Communicate that it is about them. Show them that you care - and actually care. Make it clear that you are in this together.

  • Brand Imagery: Be personable and relatable. Use imagery that shows real people using the product and forming connections with and by it.

  • Brand Culture: Focus on being personal, and community-oriented. Build a tribe - a community - internally. Foster a culture of connections and relationships.

  • Brand Tone of Voice: Be warm, human, and inviting. Make guys feel comfortable and welcome.

  • Product Quality: Be consistent and reliable. Make sure the product is dependable and meets the customer's needs.

  • Brand Experience: Build relationships. Focus on repeat businesses, referrals, and customer loyalty.

  • How to Win Trust: Share customer testimonials and reviews. Consistently deliver on your promise and provide an excellent customer experience.

  • Brand Awareness: Build a tribe, not just acquire a customer or build a customer base. Create a sense of belonging and make guys feel like they are part of something bigger.

  • Competitive Advantage: Strong relationships and repeat business are the things to strive for.

With these elements of deep relationships taken care of, you will, no doubt, win and keep their trust.

Not all your customers will be relationship customers. Some may be convenience customers, price customers, or even value customers. Look at the respective strategies and see which customers you would like to build a business for. Stay consistent in your delivery and you will attract more of the same type of customers.

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