Utilizing your 24 hours


Talking to my friend Mike, I commented on how it was difficult to do meet-ups with friends. I felt like I was always too busy to interact with people. Between work and church, I felt like I was always too busy or too tired to plan meet-ups with friends or even make calls.

Mike was patient as I explained myself. He paused and asked me how often I talked with my fiancé.

“Every day, of course,” I replied confidently.

“Ben,” he replied, “then you can make time to meet or at least call your friends,” he replied. That sealed it.

If it matters to you, you will make time for it. If building a brand matters to you, you will make time for it.

You will respond to all new inquiries. You will handle the project professionally. You will post regularly on your platform. You will plan your deliveries. You will pay your employees on time.

You are building positive long-lasting relationships with your audience. Stop making excuses. Benjamin Franklin is credited with the saying, “A person good at making excuses is seldom good for anything else.”

If it matters to you, you will create time for it.

And if you can’t create time, then partner with or hire people who can give their time to assist you in what you are struggling with.

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