Peter Kitavi

Elevating the art of corporate and wedding events hosting

The Client

Project Scope

Peter Kitavi is an industrial chemist who transformed into a charismatic Corporate MC, Events Host, and Entrepreneur. With a flair for blending expert execution with a personal touch, he has become a revered figure in leading corporate and social events in Kenya.

His background in leadership, team dynamics, and mental health advocacy enriches his role, allowing him to animate any event with professionalism and an entertaining edge.

Brand Strategy
→ Brand purpose and promise
→ Positioning and differentiation
→ Customer Segment, Acquisition and Journey

Brand Identity
→ Visual: logo, colors, typography
→ Guidelines: Comprehensive style guide

Brand Implementation
→ business cards
→ website

→ social media banners

The Problem

The Solution

Entering the market, Peter faced challenges in establishing a trusted, professional image.

Potential clients were uncertain of the value he offered, often engaging in price negotiations that undervalued his services.

Our strategy was to cultivate a brand that personified Peter's passion and professionalism. After studying the competition, we differentiated Peter with a personal brand—his own name—backed by a color scheme that exuded boldness and life. We selected Eden Green and Genoa for their representation of vitality, paired with black for sophistication. Eggshell white provided a warm, inviting background. The fonts, Libre Caslon and DM Sans, balanced classic elegance with modern clarity.

A style guide ensured that every brand element was consistently applied, from business cards to social media banners, culminating in a professional website. This was a first for a corporate MC in Kenya, setting Peter apart and reinforcing his professional image.

Through these efforts, Peter has attracted a diverse clientele and is now a preferred host for high-profile events and weddings, affirming his place as a leading figure in the Kenyan events scene.

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