what we do

we come up with effective strategies and unique identities for brands

how we do it

Every project is divided into 4 phases:

  1. Probing. Every project starts with probing so as to flesh out the problem to the fullest. Think of this as MRI Scans to ascertain what the problem actually is.

  2. Prescription. Once we have the results of the probing, we make our input on which problems to solve and how to solve them. This is the strategy to be employed. If we are doing a brand identity, we use stylescapes and/or mood boards to present the look and feel of the brand. This is us interpreting the scan results and recommending a way forward to build your brand.

  3. Apply. With a clear direction, we proceed to execute the strategy and design - we deliver the brand identity and its implementation. As a policy, we implement all first instances of the brand identity on the key touchpoints.

  4. Reapply. We review the impact of the strategy and designs in communicating with the target audience and reapply the prescription if necessary. Our goal remains the same: to simplify brand building and enable you to grow and be more impactful.


Project Outcomes/Deliverables are generally classified into 2:

  1. Strategy

Experience in working with 1-1500-people companies enables us to understand the constraints our clients are working with internally before they build a brand in the world. After all, the strategy must be executed by the team available, whether you are evolving or new to your industry.
We use the 5-P branding framework to get a concrete strategy for your brand:

  • Purpose: What is the big picture of why your brand exists?

  • Principles: What are your moral/philosophical stands on key elements relevant to your audience?

  • Promises: How do you solve the problem? This addresses your product and overall brand experience.

  • Personality: How does your brand show up?

  • Proof: How do you apply this to your marketing strategy to earn trust?

  1. Design

We believe that strategic and impactful designs are not meant to be boring. We develop a brand identity that serves a dual purpose: inspiring your audience and communicating about your brand.
Typical Design Scope includes:

  • Visual Identity: Brand Logo and Trademarks, Brand Colors, Brand Fonts, Brand Patterns, Brand Iconography

  • Guidelines: Brand Guidelines, Style Guidelines, Artwork and Templates

  • Digital Touchpoints: Social Media Banners, Graphics Templates, Email Signature Design

  • Print Touchpoints: Packaging, Letterheads, Price Sheets and Menus, Business Cards, Fliers and Brochures, Thank You Cards, Posters and Billboards