Are you on Threads?

Side note: is this the death of Twitter?

Ben Mukoma

7/6/20233 min read

Are you on Threads?

My wife asked me this. She was. I wasn't. I had totally missed the reminder that I had set on the Threads Launch.

Lemme start from the beginning.

Understanding Threads

In the ever-changing digital landscape, a new player has emerged. Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, recently introduced Threads, their answer to Twitter, and it's creating waves in the digital marketing space.

For the uninitiated, Threads is a text-based conversation platform offering an environment for real-time updates and public chats. A sister platform to Instagram, Threads allow you to write posts up to 500 characters long or even share videos up to five minutes in duration.

The Triumvirate: Instagram, Twitter, and Threads

Let's put Threads in context with Instagram and Twitter:

  • Instagram: A visual-centric platform perfect for sharing eye-catching images and videos. Ideal for building brand aesthetics.

  • Twitter: A fast-paced microblogging site suitable for quick updates, trending news, and real-time engagement.

  • Threads: Threads combines Instagram's familiarity and Twitter's conversational nature, all while allowing lengthier posts and videos. It's the best of both worlds.

Growing Your Brand on Threads

In the whirl of digital marketing, Threads introduces an exciting new channel for brands to engage and connect with audiences. When it comes to navigating this fresh terrain, here are a few key strategies to guide you.

  1. Sharing Valuable Content

To stand out on Threads, begin by offering valuable content. This could be insights into your industry, sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of your operations, or creating informative tutorials that help solve problems for your audience. Your focus should always be on creating relevant and useful content. This isn't about shouting into the void, but rather offering something meaningful that encourages people to engage with your brand.

  1. Building a Community

One of the standout features of Threads is its focus on conversation and community. To make the most of this, don't just broadcast your content, but actively participate in discussions and engage with your audience. Respond to their threads, host Q&A sessions, and create a space where they feel seen and valued. The aim is to foster a sense of community around your brand, cultivating a sense of loyalty that goes beyond a single purchase.

  1. Maintaining Consistency

Consistency is a critical element of effective branding. That means not only keeping a regular posting schedule, but also ensuring that your tone, style, and content quality remain consistent. The goal is to create a predictable brand experience that your audience can trust and relate to.

  1. Showcasing Brand Identity

Every thread you post is an opportunity to showcase your brand's unique personality. Your threads should communicate not only what you do but who you are as a brand. This involves creating a recognizable aesthetic and maintaining it across your threads, helping to build a strong, memorable brand identity.

  1. Engaging Effectively

Threads is not about talking at your audience, but talking with them. This platform provides the opportunity to go deeper, creating content that sparks conversation and encourages audience participation. Ask open-ended questions, solicit feedback, and encourage your followers to share their thoughts. This level of engagement can turn passive observers into active brand advocates, all while providing you with valuable insights into your audience.


In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, keeping up with new platforms is key. That's where Threads comes in, a playground of possibilities for your brand to grow and connect in new ways. It's not about chasing every new shiny thing, but spotting the platforms that add genuine value to your brand and your audience.

Threads, I believe, is one such platform. It's a space where your brand can find its tribe, cultivate meaningful conversations, and deepen the connection with your audience.

So, let's take this journey together. Consider this an open invitation to explore the potential of Threads with us. Let's start spinning our stories and growing together. Follow us at 'kenyan_grafik' on Threads and let's take our brand dialogues to a whole new level. See you there!

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