Are you doing marketing?

I can't see you!

It’s not enough to be good – really good – at your craft. You probably have amazing products and services. Problem is, no one knows that. You are the best-kept secret.

You need to be known by the right people.

You need to be noticed by those who can be your partners – those who help you solve people’s problems. Whether they come in to assist you scale, optimize or acquire a particular resource, you need to be on the same channels as them.

You need to be noticed by those who can be your clients – those whose problems you solve. You will be irrelevant to the world if you don’t reach them.

If people are meant to care about you or your cause or have any sort of feelings for your organization, then, first, they have to know about you.

You have to share and be found somewhere.

See which platforms your relevant audience is on – be on them.

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