Why You Need a Brand

Why a brand is necessary for the 21st Century

The value of a good name is spoken of twice in the Bible.

Proverbs 22:1, “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches...” NIV

Ecclesiastes 7:1, “A good name is better than precious ointment...” NIV

During the Bible times, there were no Facebook likes, LinkedIn endorsements, or Instagram follows; someone’s brand was how they were spoken of at the city gates and in the homes. And a good name, according to the wise King Solomon, was worth more than great riches.

Then, technology exploded! Now we have so many different touchpoints as people interact with your brand. From the reign of Solomon to the times of Yellow Pages, till now, the thing that has remained constant is people’s intent to know more about you. Knowing about you before, during, and after they interact with your brand.

Who are you? What’s your story? How can you help me? What do you stand for? Do you believe what you claim to stand for? How do you relate with people?

It doesn’t matter if you are a business or church, for-profit or non-profit. They want to know you.

They’ll check you out. They’ll ask around about you. Yes, they will read the reviews. And you will ensure everything about you that they interact with is good enough for them.

Why? Because if it is good enough for them, you can get them to buy into your vision. And if you are building a commercial brand, then they buy more of your stuff at a more profitable price.

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