When to start working on the Brand Purpose

Stop Running on the Treadmill

Leon Joseph Suenens said, “Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.”

You have done the planning. You have set your brand’s vision straight. You have prepared the systems. You have done it all. Now you need to act.

Planning is pretty much running through the experience in your head. It helps you anticipate your audience’s response. It helps you anticipate your competitor’s reaction. But you are at the same place you started, running on a treadmill.

Stop running on the treadmill. Get out onto the track. Only then will you actually have the experience, test your assumptions and adjust appropriately along the way.

And you will move closer to your destination. This is the whole point of the planning – to get to the destination.

You have planned the work - now go and work the plan.

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