The danger of perfection

Not perfect, but it works!

What you put out there isn’t going to be perfect. You won’t be the best in your niche, at least not now. And that is fine.

You may be afraid of looking bad. You want to look your best, but you won’t, at least not yet.

We are conditioned to have the best out there. Social Media is a reel of highlights – the good moments of our lives. The good products.

We are conditioned not to air our dirty linen in public. We seem to succumb to “Don’t post about your failures or struggles.” As if no one has low moments.

We are used to posting the final product and not the process. As if the final product came all by itself.

In this day and age, people are looking for authenticity – just show me you. The you that struggles. The you that succeeds. The you that falls. The you that impacts people. People want authenticity. Be real with them.

It doesn’t have to be perfect. Scratch that. YOU don’t have to be perfect. Your brand just needs to do the best it can, today.

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