Sere Selfcare

Exuding luxury in candles

The Client

Project Scope

Sere Selfcare is a new company started in Nairobi, Kenya, by two sisters. They started in the wake of the COVID pandemic, after seeing how people were frustrated and tired - victims of the pandemic.

They launched Sere Selfcare to provide means for people to care after themselves. Sere is a Taita word meaning peace. This is the vision of Sere - to have people take care of themselves, having inner peace, even in the face of strife.

Brand Strategy
→ naming
→ customer segmentation
→ marketing on social media

Brand Identity
→ visual: logo, colors, fonts
→ guidelines: style guidelines

Brand Implementation
→ packaging
→ social media banners

The Problem

The Solution

Since it was a new brand, we needed a brand name. The name needed to invoke feelings of peace and serenity.

Moreover, we needed a brand identity that created calming vibes to all their audience. This was from the brand fonts, to the color palette, logo design and all other brand atmosphere elements.

We chose a brand name that played on the consonance of peace, serenity, self care, softlife, scents and even sisters - Sere Selfcare. The name is from the Taita language, - in honor of the roots of the founders.

We then designed the logo and brand atmosphere elements and gave insights on the type of content to share on social media to create the calming vibes needed by our audience. Moreover, the softness of the color palette gives off 'soft-life' feelings to everyone who comes into contact with the brand.

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