Lead Compass

Building an education consultancy service

The Client

Project Scope

Lead Compass is an education consultancy service that seeks to empower parents and guardians in the decision-making process of their children’s education pathway.

Their audience is diverse - both the parents/guardians as well as their children, helping them select between the educational pathways in Kenya. More than ever, Lead Compass has been instrumental in selecting between CBC, IGCSE, BNC, and all other education systems in Kenya.

Brand Strategy
→ customer segmentation
→ positioning & differentiation
→ brand awareness

Brand Identity
→ visual: logo, colors, fonts
→ guidelines: brand guidelines

Brand Implementation
→ powerpoint templates
→ stationery: brochures, letterhead, notebooks
→ social media banners
→ e-shots

The Problem

The Solution

Lead Compass needed a brand identity that cut through the noise present in the education industry. In as much as they were entering one of the oldest industries - education - they needed to bring a modern twist to the industry and cause disruption.

As the only ones offering this service in Kenya, they needed to set a very high precedent for the future, to build a strong brand in the minds of both the students and parents/guardians.

The purpose of shaping the children's destinies was very clear so we designed a logo inspired by the compass. The logo was minimalist yet thick and bold. This was to show the boldness of the brand. The brand colors chosen were orange, blue and purple, creating nice, invigorating and exciting gradients. These, paired with the brand fonts, made the brand appear serious and professional yet relatable and knowledgeable.

All these elements were applied on the brand atmosphere elements to make Lead Compass unique and memorable.

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