How do Flies land on Ceilings?

Branding Lessons from Flies

Ben Mukoma

5/11/20233 min read

How do flies land on ceilings?

I have often wondered how flies land on ceilings. I know, I'm peculiar like that.

Flies, with their incredible agility and precision, have developed a unique way of landing on ceilings. They achieve this feat by approaching the surface at an angle, usually around 45 degrees, and slowing down their flight speed as they get closer. During this approach, they extend their front legs towards the ceiling and use the tiny adhesive pads on their feet, called pulvilli, to create a strong grip on the surface.

Once the front legs make contact, the fly swiftly swings its abdomen and hind legs upwards, using the momentum to complete the maneuver and firmly attach itself to the ceiling. All this happens in a split second - a fascinating display of the fly's remarkable coordination and biomechanics. This process is not only seamless but also demonstrates the fly's ability to adapt to various surfaces and environments.

The Art of Landing in Branding:

So, how does this relate to branding? Some of us have released so much content to inform, educate, and entertain. We have become known for this content so much that people have even forgotten we are doing all this to point to the products or services that we sell. We can't and don't land the audience on the client side of life.

There is nothing wrong with sending that content out. But if it is not the thing that brings the business money, we ought to figure out when to hook. Remember Gary Vee says jab, jab, hook. If we don't hook, we will be known as an informative brand, like newspapers or It's Nice That. Or an educative brand, like Tifo Football and the Futur. Or an entertainment brand, like Mr. Beast or Uncle Roger. Unless you want to monetize through those methods, you are doing it all wrong.

You can't be a makeup-selling business known only for tips on branding. You must be known for the amazing makeup that you sell. Otherwise, you have likes, comments, and follows and no money. That's not fulfilling.

3 Tips on How to Bring Up Your Products and Services in Your Content:
  1. Find the Balance between Value and Promotion:

  • Offer genuine value in your content by providing useful information or entertainment.

  • Integrate your product or service naturally into the content without being overly promotional.

  • Focus on the benefits your product or service provides and demonstrate how it solves a problem for the audience.

  1. Use Calls-to-Action (CTAs) Strategically:

  • Include clear and compelling CTAs in your content, encouraging your audience to take the next step.

  • Place CTAs at logical points in your content, such as at the end of a blog post or in the description of a video.

  • Experiment with different CTA formats, such as buttons, text links, or even verbal prompts in videos.

  1. Leverage Social Proof and Testimonials:

  • Showcase customer success stories and testimonials to build trust and credibility.

  • Share user-generated content, such as photos or videos of customers using your product, to create a sense of community.

  • Highlight positive reviews and ratings to demonstrate the value of your product or service to potential customers.


By implementing these three tips, you can effectively bring up your products and services in your content, ensuring that your audience not only enjoys your content but also recognizes the value of your offerings. This is how you become known for the right things - building the right kind of brand. And just like a fly landing on a ceiling, your brand will seamlessly transition from providing value to securing sales, ultimately leading to a successful and fulfilling business.

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