Getting a Vision for your Brand

Write the obituary

“The sum of every obituary is how heroic people are, and how noble,” Maira Kalman said.

Obituaries aren’t really about death, they’re about life. They are about the life of the deceased and the impact they had in life.

Write the obituary of your organization. Yes, an obituary.

Imagine your organization 25 years from now. You have to shut down or sell.

  • What do you envision for the brand?

  • What impact would you want to have left with your brand?

  • What would you like to hear people say about your brand?

Writing an obituary for your organization gives you a chance to see what life flows in its blood. This is the part that no one can help you with. This is an elaborate means of declaring your vision.

And you can’t outsource vision.

And you can’t not have one.

Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish...” KJV

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