Entering a Market that seems Saturated

There is more than enough space

Suppose you walk into your local supermarket and head out to the water aisle. You will find various water brands displayed with varying price points.

In my local supermarket, these are the price options for every 500ml bottle of water:

  • Aquamist Oxyrich Still Water – Ksh 23

  • Quencher Premium Water – Ksh 24

  • Dasani Still Water – Ksh 29

  • Mt. Kenya Water – Ksh 30

  • Highlands Drinking Water – Ksh 35

  • Keringet Mineral Water – Ksh 50

  • Mayers Nat Spring Water – Ksh 67

Mayers Spring Water’s retail price is about three times that of Aquamist Still Water, yet both company brands are running profitably. Meaning that they have a good audience they serve. Moreover, I do not doubt that more water brands will be coming up.

You see, there is always more space for another brand in every industry – because you should be serving a specific need within the industry you are looking to get into. Even if you meet people doing the same thing you want to do, don’t feel bad or be hesitant.

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