Does your brand name matter?

Name it right

Words from A Hundred Monkeys, a California-based naming and writing studio:

A name is a small package.

A word, a short phrase at most. There’s a natural tendency to try to pour everything into a name, but the reality is it won’t all fit…

The whole point is to stand out but people are so afraid of making a mistake that they test and second-guess names to death. There are no sure bets in naming and no amount of focus groups will make the answer obvious. This is because names are living things.

They take on meaning as people experience your brand over time. Learning how customers feel about names without real-world context isn’t useful information. Besides, do you think names like Virgin Atlantic or Teenage Engineering would survive market testing?

Are you convinced to name your brand right yet? To test the name out in the world and be keen on how the name will be received?

You need the right name to evoke the right feeling in a way that stands out from your competition. This is a conspicuous part of you.

Get a good brand name.

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