Do your Brand Colors Matter?

Yes, your colors matter

To those who don’t know you, your color choices speak about your brand personality and values. There is a science about what colors mean – color psychology. Here are some pretty stats from Interbrand.

  • Blue – used by about 33% of brands. For trust, loyalty, logic, dependability, and serenity, this is it.

  • White – This can create an empty feeling but shows cleanliness, purity, and simplicity. As plain as it is, it is used by about 31% of brands.

  • Red – used by about 29% of brands. It shows power, passion, energy, urgency, and excitement.

  • Black – greys and black are used by about 28% of brands. They exude power, sophistication, elegance, authority, and security.

  • Yellow – About 13% of brands use it. It is warm and signifies optimism, happiness, creativity, intellect, and extraversion.

  • Orange – This is for creativity, adventure, enthusiasm, success, and balance. About 8% use it.

  • Green – Mainly used for natural and eco-friendly products. It shows health, hope, freshness, nature, and prosperity. About 8% of brands use green.

  • Purple – This could be feminine and signifies luxury, wealth, wisdom, and imagination. Used by only 1%.

Here is where it gets complicated, when you combine these colors, they can create a whole different mood for your brand.

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