Customer Feedback

The Echoes

Bats fly fast, peaking at 160 km/h.

At such speeds, in the night darkness, you expect the bat to fly into something. Not so. Thanks to echolocation.

The bats emit high-frequency noises. These noises bounce off their surroundings and come back to them. They stay alert, listening to the echoes to know which way to turn. The soonest and biggest echo is avoided and they move in the echo-less direction.

Their key to moving fast is listening to the feedback from the environment and responding fast.

It is not enough to know what your purpose is, how you’ll operate, and who to bring on board… You need to listen to feedback.

There are tools like Google Forms, SurveyKing, Survey Monkey, and Alchemer. Pay attention to your social media insights too. And you can ask for real-time feedback as you interact with the client. I find this most effective.

Pick up the echoes, and have means of echolocation throughout your customer journey. And you’ll know what to do more of.

Remember, a brand is what they think and feel about you. And you are listening for this throughout. Incorporate listening points in the systems you build.

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