Can you Double It?

The Art of Focus, Hard Work, and Attraction

Ben Mukoma

4/27/20233 min read

Can you Double It?

A while back, I was listening to Alex Hormozi on a podcast. He said that if you want to grow, one of the easiest ways would be to look at someone you look up to and do exactly what they are doing, at double the intensity. Do you know just how hard that is?

In my space, I have several guys who are doing what I am doing in some shape and form, and at scale. Lemme use the example of Alex Hormozi. He is on 6 platforms (LinkedIn, Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Tiktok, and Twitter). On Tiktok alone, he does 4 posts per day. That would mean I post 8 posts per day - just on Tiktok.

Do you know just how hard that is? At the same time, I am finding the balance in juggling being a husband, dad, friend, son, brother, and a whole host of things that I do. But I can’t just give up and say it is impossible to build the Kenyan Grafik brand.

You see, building a successful and impactful brand is not just about having a great idea or product; it's about putting in the hard work, staying focused, and attracting the right people to your business. Allow me to explore three key principles that I work(ed) with to build a powerful brand that stands out from the crowd and draws in clients, talent, and business partners. These are the same principles that I advise my clients to apply.

Where’s your focus?

"Attend to your business with the vendor in the market, not the noise of the market." We live in a time where there is an abundance of information - there’s a lot of noise in the market. We don’t necessarily fail because of a lack of knowledge - but because of a lack of focus on the right knowledge. Imagine switching on the radio and moving the frequency dial up and down. You will listen to all the radio stations, yet listen to none of them. What sources of information do you need to listen to?

Log off from IG and Tiktok. Do what you need to do to cut out the noise. Don't get distracted by the buzz and hype surrounding your industry or the competition. Instead, stay laser-focused on your brand's unique selling points and consistently deliver value to your customers.

Be Willing to Pay the Price for Your Dream

"Free cheese is only found in a mousetrap." There is a price. In the business, I must direct the business, talk to clients, listen to and evaluate feedback, give guidance on all content going out, and balance the personal bits of my life. At times this will mean I have some late nights and early mornings, and plough in more of the revenue into the business. There are no shortcuts to success. However, at a personal level, also I need to draw the line somewhere so that I am not an absentee dad or husband, this being a critical area of my life. What price are you to pay to see the dream come alive?

Side note: Rick Warren advises that for relationships to flourish, you need to divert daily, withdraw weekly and abandon annually. Set time to build relationships. Back to brand building!

Leon Joseph Suenens said, “Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.” Building a strong brand requires time, effort, and resources. Remember that overnight success stories are rare and often the result of years of dedication and persistence. By being willing to pay the price for your dream, you'll create a brand that's built to last and that attracts the right people who share your vision and commitment.

People Don't Partner with Failure

It's no secret that people are drawn to success. When your brand exudes confidence, professionalism, and competence, you'll naturally attract clients, talent, and business partners who want to be associated with your success. In 2020, at the height of COVID, we did not have clients. Everyone seemed to be hesitant about investing in their business.

To counter this, we ran a challenge - 30 logos in 30 days. The beauty of the logos and successful execution of the brands at that time raised people’s perspective of Kenyan Grafik. When they were ready to start investing, they turned to us. Do you need to do successful passion projects if you don’t have clients now?

And when you have clients, we focus on delivering a consistent, high-quality experience for our customers, showcasing our brand's strengths, and celebrating our wins. By demonstrating our brand's ability to thrive and grow, we send a clear message that your business is a force to be reckoned with - capable of creating immense value for our clients.


Building a successful brand that attracts clients, talent, and business partners requires a combination of focus, hard work, and a commitment to excellence.

By attending to your core business, investing in your dream, and fostering a culture of success, you'll create a powerful brand that impacts people and makes a good profit.

We simplify brand building for those starting, growing, or changing direction.

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