Brands copying you

Let them Copy

As your brand grows, you will become more popular.

Your work will be known to be amazing. You will have famed products and your impact in your niche will be unrivaled.

More people will have noticed you and some will attempt to imitate you. They will send people to learn at your feet. They may even send spies!

Don’t feel threatened – you are on the path of constant growth anyway.

If they see something on Monday and decide to copy it, it might take them two days. By Wednesday, they’ll release a copy of what you had on Monday. Unfortunately, by the time they hit the market, you have grown more. You will have a superior brand with superior products and a bigger impact. They’ll always be playing catch-up.

Even an original copy is just a copy. They can imitate you all they want but they’ll just be pale imitations. Why? Because they can’t duplicate you. Don’t be intimidated or incapacitated.

Instead, stay innovative. Keep growing. Keep impacting.

Feel flattered. As Charles Colton said, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”

Their only remedy is learning from you and building their brands uniquely.

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