Brand Positioning 101

Breaking Through the Noise: The Role of Differentiation in Branding

Ben Mukoma

5/25/20232 min read

Brand Positioning 101

How many people do what you do?
How many people do what you do and deliver at the same performance level?
So how do you differentiate from them?

See, if your business isn't setting itself apart, your customers won't have a strong reason to pick you. They could easily swap you and your products for someone else's, and they wouldn't miss a thing. Suddenly, you're not the one calling the shots. You're chasing after the customer - you are a thirsty or needy brand. See how brand positioning is critical? It is the place your brand occupies in the mind of your target audience. It is what they feel and think about you.

Do you own a purple cow?

Imagine this: you're driving past a herd of cows, and they're all normal-looking cows. Nothing exciting there, right? You wouldn't have any interesting tales to tell at the end of the day. But what if one of those cows was purple? You'd stop in your tracks, wouldn't you? And that's a story you'd be eager to share. You might even take a pic and post it online if you're the type to keep your memories in the public eye. That is half the magic of Seth Godin's "Purple Cow" metaphor. You need TO LOOK unlike anything else in the market.

But a purple cow that's the same as every other cow apart from the color is just not strong enough. To really leave a mark, you need to offer meaningful differences. Differences that matter. No one wants to spend more for a purple cow that gives the same amount of milk as the regular-priced ones, at least not long term. You need to stand out in ways that add value. That is the second half of the magic of Seth Godin's "Purple Cow" metaphor. You also need TO BE unlike anything else in the market, in a meaningful, value-adding way.

So, brand positioning isn't just about how your brand looks. The visuals of your brand - the graphics, logo, and colors - all tell your audience about your brand's position. But they need to match up with your overall strategy.

How do you find your position?

First, you need to understand your audience - their needs, their wants, and the problem you're solving for them. Then, you've got to look at the competition - the other guys occupying the same space in your customer's mind - and figure out what sets you apart. And remember, it's not about hard selling. It's about connecting with your audience.

And in this ever-changing digital world, you've got to keep up. Your audience is always on the move, exploring new platforms. Brands today are built in ways that are adaptable and responsive. Keeping up with market shifts and digital trends is vital for keeping your brand position relevant and powerful. You may change the way you communicate, but the heart of your message should stay the same.

What next?

In the next article, we'll dig deeper into how businesses with physical products can set themselves apart. I know you're busy, and I don't want to swamp you with a long post. So, stay tuned for more!

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