Brand Pillars

The 5 P's of brand

Some key things have to be set for a brand to be established in people’s minds.

  1. Purpose – what you want to do in the long run. Refer to the obituary you wrote for your brand. Talk about it. Show us.

  2. Principles – the brand values. What eggs will you not break as you go toward your purpose?

  3. Promise – The solution you are giving to my problem. How will you solve our problem?

  4. Personality – How do you interact with me? Are you professional? Or personable?

  5. Proof – Evidence of having delivered on the promise. This gives credibility to you.

The first 4 have to be decided at the start. They are at the core of what your brand is about.

The last one has to be updated with every client. The proof keeps increasing.

We simplify brand building for those starting, growing, or changing direction.

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