Being bored by your identity

Be Consistent

A healthy human eye can distinguish around a million different colors.

The challenge for every marketing manager and designer is staying within the confines of the brand guidelines and yet being creative and innovative.

You know, potatoes are pretty plain things. They are so plain and don’t look like they can amount to much. But, guess what? Bon Appetit did a YouTube Video on 63 ways to cook a potato!

You probably know how to make mashed and roasted potatoes, fries, and, probably, crisps. Well, there are En Papillote, Pickled, Pommes souffle and 56 more ways. Even a boring potato can produce 63 different dishes on its own.

Your colors are not boring. You just need creativity. Learn the other dishes you can prepare with your color palette. You can use Behance, Dribble, or Pinterest for inspiration.

Side Note:

In most small organizations, the founder is the one in charge of raising brand awareness through content creation. And, usually, they know the business side, not creativity or such things.

That’s no excuse, if you can’t or don’t want to hire a professional, then be the professional your brand needs. Don’t waste your brand’s potential.

If you are the brand, don’t waste your potential.

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